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Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Children's Vision - When Should They Have Their Eyes Tested?

Most children have excellent sight and do not need to wear glasses.
Some children may have vision screening done at school. However, the earlier any problems are picked up the better the outcome.
If there are problems and they are not picked up at an early age, the child may have permanently reduced vision on one or both eyes.
If you have any concerns about your child’s eyes, or if there is a history of squint or lazy eye in the family, do not wait for the vision screening at school.
Take your child to a local optometrist for a sight test. An optometrist has the equipment and training to carry out a thorough eye examination, checking all the aspects of your child’s vision which are important to learning.

Signs that your child may have a problem with their vision include;
*One eye turns in or out – this may be easier to spot when the child is tired
*They rub their eyes a lot (except when they are tired, which is normal)
*They have watery eyes
*They are clumsy or have poor hand and eye co-ordination
*Your child avoids reading, writing or drawing
*They screw up their eyes or frown when they read or watch TV.
*They sit very close to the TV, or hold books or objects close to their face.
*They have behaviour or concentration problems at school.
*They complain about blurred or double vision, or they have unexplained headaches
*If flash photographs show a white, yellow or orange colour in their pupils or red in only one eye.

Simple treatments like wearing glasses or wearing a patch for a while could be all that your child needs. The earlier that eye problems are picked up, the better the outcome will be.
If the Optometrist cannot help your child's vision improve, they will refer your child on to an eye doctor for further help.

If you have concerns about your child’s vision, please visit your local optometrist. An eye examination is a vital health check and should be part of everyone’s normal health care.
Rachel Murray Eyecare are running FREE sight tests for all primary & secondary school pupils until the end of September.Check out the offer here.

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